Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Why don't I have this book???

Jane Austen for Dummies written by Joan Klingel Ray, who happens to be the president of the Jane Austen Society of North America, has been out for years but apparently I have been too busy to notice. So much to read and sooo little time.

Okay, like the book should be called "Everything you ever wanted to know about Jane Austen, her books and the world she lived in but couldn't find anyone who knew more than you did".
Of course, that might have been kind of long.

Anyway Ms Ray answers the eternal questions, like....

Why doesn't Elizabeth Bennet just get a job?

Why will Mrs. Bennet have to leave Longbourn if Mr. Bennet dies?

How rich IS Darcy?

and many, many, more troublesome questions.

Seriously, this book is worth having. I have to go to the bookstore NOW!!

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